Sunday, 22 May 2011

Roses Galore

I'm not really a huge fan of roses. I find them slightly intimidating, all that pruning and feeding, blackspot and powdery mildew to worry about. They are also expensive so I have never bought one. However, this garden is full of them and its hard not to be impressed. I am of course still worried. Most of them seem to be Hybrid Teas or Floribundas (I only know that because some of them still have their labels) with the odd climber. I arrived a little too late to prune them properly so I just removed all the dead bits, fed them and tied them in where necessary. I will just have to see how they do this year and keep my eye on my favourites. I was thinking of taking some cuttings of the good ones later on in the year.

This is a climber called 'Golden Showers' - who thinks up these names?

This wins the prize for the biggest flowers

And this one the prize for brightest colour

This one has lots of big blooms on one bush. It's a very girly pink and reminds me of my Grandma. She would have loved it.

This is probably my favourite. It's a climber and its such an amazing purple colour. It was the first to bloom despite being hidden behind an overgrown shrub. It has a lovely scent too.
I like this romantic, soft focus picture of this yellow rose. It is a lovely neat bush that has lots of blooms.

There are lots of buds everywhere so lots more roses to look forward too. Now all I have to do is figure out what a sucker looks like and how to remove it!

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